Manikin System

2 of 2 Items
  • Positioning & Surgical Manikin Positioning & Surgical Manikin

    Positioning & Surgical Manikin

    The Max/Maxine manikin features interchangeable male and female genetalia, injection pads in the arms, thighs, and buttock and moveable joints. Ideal for practicing transport/transfer, patient positioning, urinary catheterization, draping, tracheostomy...

  • Child Manikin, Alexis/Alex Child Manikin, Alexis/Alex

    Child Manikin, Alexis/Alex

    This 3-year-old child nursing training manikin with flexible joints for easy positioning & catheter training! Features: 1) Daily child care: Dressing, bathing, etc. 2) Eye, Oral, Nose care 3) Nursing of foreign body airway obstruction 4) Bladder...

2 of 2 Items