Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Overview

This document outlines our practices in handling your personal data when you visit or make a transaction on (referred to as the “Website”).

Collection of Personal Data

Every time you access the Website, we gather specific information about your device. This includes details about your web browser, IP address, time zone, and some cookies present on your device. While you navigate through the Website, we also collect data regarding the web pages or products you view, the search terms or websites that directed you to the Website, and your interaction patterns on the Website. We term this data collection as “Device Information”.

We employ various technologies to collect Device Information, such as:

  • “Cookies”, which are data files placed on your device or computer, often containing an anonymous identifier. For further information on cookies, including how to disable them, visit
  • “Log files” that record activities on the Website, capturing data like your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, referring/exit pages, along with timestamps. Electronic files such as “Web beacons”, “tags”, and “pixels” are utilized to track your Website navigation details.
  • In this policy, “Personal Information” encompasses both Device Information and Order Information.

Usage of Personal Information

The Order Information we gather is primarily used to process any orders you place through the Website. This includes managing payment details, arranging shipping, and providing invoices or order confirmations. Moreover, we use this Order Information to:

  • Communicate with you;
  • Screen orders for potential risks or fraud; and
  • Share product or service information or advertising, aligned with your preferences.

We utilize Device Information to identify potential risk and fraud (especially your IP address) and more broadly, to enhance and optimize our Website (e.g., by creating analytics about our customers’ browsing behaviors and evaluating our marketing and advertising strategies).

Sharing of Personal Information

We share your Personal Information with third parties to assist in using your Personal Information, as outlined above. For instance, we use BigCommerce for our online store operations; their handling of your Personal Information can be found here: Google Analytics is another tool we use to understand our customers’ Website usage; learn about Google’s use of your Personal Information here: You can opt-out of Google Analytics at

Additionally, your Personal Information may be disclosed to comply with relevant laws and regulations, respond to lawful information requests, or protect our rights.

Behavioral Advertising

We use your Personal Information for targeted advertising or marketing that we believe may interest you. To learn more about how targeted advertising operates, visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s educational page at

Opt-out options for targeted advertising are available:

  • Facebook:
  • Google:
  • Bing:

You can also opt out of certain services through the Digital Advertising Alliance’s portal at:

Do Not Track Notice

We do not modify our data collection and usage practices when your browser sends a Do Not Track signal.

Your Rights

If you are based in Europe, you can request access to, correction, update, or deletion of your personal information held by us. Contact us using the information below to exercise these rights.

Note that we process information of European residents to fulfill contracts (e.g., orders placed on the Website) or to pursue our legitimate business interests mentioned earlier. Be aware that your information may be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.

Data Retention

We retain your Order Information in our records unless you request its deletion.

Policy Updates

This privacy policy may be periodically updated to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

Contact Information

For inquiries or complaints regarding our privacy practices, please email us at or reach us by mail at the provided address.

Mock Medical, LLC, 22626 213th Avenue, Milford, Iowa 51351, United States